

Friday, September 12, 2014

Gratitude/Happiness List

Week of September 7

Joining with Laurel Regan’s Gratitude linkup at Alphabet Salad. 

Here are some things I’m grateful for and that have made me happy this week:


My hand and wrist are nearly completely healed. My last therapy visit was today, and my doctor cleared me to go back to work. I can even start crocheting again—slowly and for short times.


Delicious whole-grain bread from our local bakery. 

That we had a last week of hot summer weather before fall starts moving in.

Our upcoming weekend trip to Baltimore.

Having some time to start and work at practicing Zentangle,  which I’m really enjoying.

Community events like Cyclovia, in which about a mile of the street is closed to traffic for the benefit of walkers, bicyclists, inline skaters, etc., and including food trucks, entertainment, health and fitness information, and a dog dress-up contest!

Getting maybe our last chance this year to eat outside at a restaurant with our dog.

Having the Boston Red Sox’ Triple-A team, the Pawtucket Red Sox, playing just a few miles from our home and being in the playoff finals.

That said, I’m grateful that my husband is patient with me when I get cranky because a ballgame goes into extra innings. He loves it; I just want to go home (it’s after 10 o’clock and getting chilly!), and I grumble things like “Why can’t baseball games end within a civilized length of time like other sports?”

Gentle, warm breezes.

The beautiful flowers (even roses!) and flowering bushes that are still around in nearly mid-September.



  1. What a fun list, especially the ballgame one. Yes, we have that issue, too! SF Giants.

    1. Thanks, Carol. Your Giants are doing well again this year with a good chance at the playoffs. Not so with the Red Sox (sigh). I do like baseball; I just don't like it lasting into the wee hours!

  2. Lovely list! So glad your hand and wrist are healing well... all the better to tangle!

    1. Thanks, Laurel! Yes, I was getting impatient to start tangling, and now I can!

  3. Glad that you have recovered. Have a nice trip.

  4. I've never lasted to the end any of the baseball games I've been to (maybe a half dozen!) :) Nice list as always - have to admit, you had me at the picture of the breads!

    1. Amy, I have no problem with nine innings--it's just after that that I get restless. But last night the PawSox played 12 innings and won, and I loved it because I was home, warm in my comfortable chair, listening on the radio!
