

Monday, February 24, 2014



Happiness List 1: What Made Me Happy This Week


I’ve been enjoying doing the Gratitude List linkups at Laurel Regan’s Alphabet Salad, but I thought I’d try a different twist on it—that is, a Happiness List: a list of things that made me happy this past week.

I’ve decided to do this because I think it expands and enhances the Gratitude List to include things that we do for ourselves that make us happy, not only things that we’re given or that others do for us. I think it’s important that we remember that we’re responsible for our own happiness and remember to do those things that make us happy—which also include doing things to make others happy!

Looking back on these things is a great way to end the week and to start a new one! Reading over this list makes me feel like “my cup(s) runneth over”!


▪ Spending a fun evening with my husband playing trivia at a local pub.

▪ Meeting a friend for lunch.

▪ Seeing the first crocuses poking up in a neighbor’s yard.

▪ Seeing “Saving Mr. Banks” with my husband and having dinner out afterward.

▪ Getting my paycheck for the Monster Manuscript.


▪ Receiving the first issues of my subscription to “Relief,” a Christian literary magazine.

▪ Having milder weather and melting snow.

▪ Listening to the Billboard Top 100 from the early 70s—one year per night, about five hours of music each night, that took me back to my college years.

▪ Bringing home a piece of the world’s best chocolate fudge cake from Chelo’s restaurant—my last before Ash Wednesday, when my Lenten chocolate fast begins.

▪ Making a delicious vegetable chili for Sunday dinner—and having leftovers for tonight! Not having to make dinner makes me happy!

▪ Finishing the second book on the Plantagenets I’ve read this year.

▪ Knowing that the Olympics closed peacefully without any of the threatened terrorist attacks taking place.

▪ Continuing to work on the prayer shawl I’m crocheting for the ministry at church.

▪ Finding what I hope is the perfect pattern to use for the beautiful yarn I bought two years ago!


What has made you happy this week?





  1. What has made me happy this week? HmMmmmm.

    Watching a marathon of old Jeopardy shows with my Momma.

    Making cinnamon rolls for my students.

    A walk in the park.

    My kit-cat snuggling up with me.

    Getting some of the work for next term out of the way.

    Talking to my brother.

    Reading this post :-)


  2. You are so right - only we are in control of our own happiness. So glad you made this list! Pub trivia is my favorite. :)

    Allison Katelyn @ http://simplesilverlinings.blogspot.com

  3. Beautiful list Elaine. We all have many things to be thankful for no matter how life looks right at this moment. All we need to do is think, meditate, pray.

  4. I love the idea of adding your happiness list... it's a lovely complement to the gratitude list!
