

Thursday, January 1, 2015

One Word 2015


Two years ago, January 1, 2013, was my first blogiversary, and I marked it by participating in an Internet “One Word” challenge: to choose just one word that you hoped or planned to make the focus of the coming year. Now this has become a tradition I look forward to each New Year’s.

So today, on my third blogiversary, I reveal the word I chose for 2015:



Create has special meaning for me now, because this past year I began to feel that I wanted to try to tease out whatever creative abilities I might have and work to enhance them. Now I’ve never considered myself a creative person, so it’s required some mental shuffling for me to take on this challenge. But I’ve come to believe that I can find and nurture that tiny spark through work and practice and belief.

This past year I had a flash fiction story published and had another story accepted for publication, as well as two haiku. And after a year of being amazed at the work of Zentangle artists on the Web, I finally decided to try to learn the art myself. As you can see from the above drawing, I’ve made a start, but I still have a great deal to learn.

And now I think I’m in a position to make creativity a priority in my life. I plan to continue my 100 Days of Writing self-challenge. My novel draft has been brought back to life. The possibilities of Zentangle excite me, and I look forward to learning more and developing my ability at it. And I’m sure if I look and keep my mind alert, I’ll find many more occasions to practice creativity.
I am also planning to participate this month in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Over the next four weeks I’ll be sharing with you some things that make me (and can make you!) happy, as well as a few "themed" weeks, such as Book Week and Learning Week. I hope you'll join me.

I’m looking forward to it.

 What about you? Do you have a word for 2015?






  1. Happy 3rd anniversary Elaine! I have so enjoyed what you've shared these past 3 years and can't wait to see what's to come. You "create" zentangle is lovely and what a fabulous word to choose for this year. I haven't come up with a word yet (the first few that came to mind just weren't quite right) but I will let you know when/if I do. Seems like a great motivator. I hope 2015 brings you many surprises on your creative adventure!

    1. Thanks, Amy! So glad to see you back in your "writing corner" again. This word just came naturally to me this year, in a hopeful way. I'd love to see your "one word" if you do choose one. I also wish you a creative year!

  2. Happy Blogversary! I love your "create" word and graphic. That is a perfect word for an upcoming year.


    1. Thank you, Trish! Nice to meet you and pay you a visit as well. Here's to all our goals for the coming year.

  3. Happy Blogversary! I think my word for this year is 'Survival" I also participate in the various challenges, so hope to run bump into your page again soon!

    1. Thank you, Mary. That's an interesting word to choose--have you been ill? If so, I wish you all the best of health in the coming year. I hope we do meet again in blog-o-land!

  4. Happy Blogiversary, Elaine - and Happy New Year too. Must admit I'd never heard of Zentangle, but I love your design, and hope you enjoy developing your creative urges. I can't think of one word for myself for this coming year, but I can think of two i.e. Stop Procrastinating!

    1. Paula, those are great words! I keep trying to do that but always put it off...;-(
      Anyway, it seems like you write a novel a year, so you can't be doing too badly schedule-wise. Happy new year!

  5. My word for 2015 is RangeQuest. I liked it so much I even bought the domain name. To me it means reaching farther out of my comfort zone and discovering my actual 'range' rather than what I can see only with my eyes. I love the Zentangle artwork!! Never heard of it before - I'll have to give it a try :)

    1. What an interesting word, Nan. Interesting interpretation you give it, too. Good luck with your Quest! And definitely do check out Zentangle--it's a great way to be creative. Thanks for stopping by and for your comment.

  6. I like the idea of anyone using the word "create" throughout the year. That's my word every year for the past 30 plus years. If I didn't have something to create. I would go nuts.

    Happy blogiversary!

    1. Thank you, Angie. You are fortunate to be such a creative person. I've always felt that way about learning--I have to have something to learn to spur on my life. Hoping this year to merge learning and creating!

  7. Here's to a New Year and more than 3 more years of blogging! :D My phrase for the year is, "Say Yes!" And so I am.. :) Yes to EVERYTHING spectacular!

    1. Thanks, Mimi. I like your phrase, too--sounds like you'll have a fascinating and wonderful year!

  8. Happy 3rd Blogiversary Elaine! How wonderful a past year you have already had. As I mentioned in Corina's post (who had the same word), I said this, "I love the word ‘create’ and all its relatives: creative, creativity, creation…in fact, isn’t that what all of life is about? If we’re alive, we are creating in every moment starting with decisions, then actions. Essentially, we create our life." So I say, here's to you Elaine in creating your best year ever! ;) <3

  9. The words create, creative, and creativity have all become near and dear to my heart as I've explored them for myself over the past couple of years - so I am thrilled with your word choice for 2015! I'm excited to see how this creative year unfolds for you, and will follow your progress with anticipation. :)

  10. Congratulations on the Blogiversary! Create is a great word, and it's great that you are already doing it! We are all creative in our own unique ways.
